Hello I am Annetta and I am passionate about helping you when you feel stuck to move forward in your life, both in your relationships and in your business.
Whether you struggle with low self-esteem or anxiety, find it hard to make the next step in your business or have difficulties in your relationships, I can help. I know this can be very frustrating and can bring you down, but there is a way out and forward.
I help you look at the issue you bring in a safe, friendly and non-judgmental environment. Maybe certain patterns and ideas have been passed on through your family and are now stopping you from going for what you really want. Or you hold patterns and habits that once served you but are now getting in your way.
I help you become aware of and release those patterns, whether they come from your family or from your early life situation. So you will be free to move forward and create the business you want and enjoy fulfilling relationships.
Both Family Constellations and NARM have helped me enormously and this is what I now work with. Both approaches are very body orientated which I love and have found to be very effective. Also we live in a body, right? And both modalities are very forward looking. You don’t need to keep talking about what happened in the past, instead we work with what happens in the present moment as we explore what gets in the way of you moving forward.
I also offer shiatsu – a body work to de-stress and relax, help with aches and pains and feel more grounded and energised.
My training:
I am a senior student of Thomas Huebl and have completed the two year Timeless Wisdom Training.
NARM (Neuro-Affective Relational Model) with Laurence Heller.
Trauma Informed Stabilisation Treatment with Janina Fisher
DARe – Dynamic Attachment Re-patterning experience with Diane Poole Heller
Pre- and perinatal Trauma with Raja Selvam
Family Constellation training – 2 year with the Centre for Systemic Constellations
Family Constellation Health and Healing – 1 year with Stephan Hausner
Acupuncture Licentiate – 3 year with LCTA
Shiatsu – 3 year with KiKai Shiatsu Centre
British Wheel of Yoga – 3 year yoga teacher training