Stress and Trauma live in our Body

Stress and Trauma live in our Body

Most if not all of us will get stressed sometimes. Stress is not necessarily a bad thing; it can move us forward and protect us from harm. Stress is the body’s reaction to any change that requires an adjustment or change – even positive ones such as the birth of a...

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Three ways to become more stress resilient

Three ways to become more stress resilient

  Over half a million people suffer from stress at work and 12.5 million lost working days a year as a result. This stress won't just stay in the workplace but will also affect home life and relationships too. We all experience stress at various moments in our...

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Is your house a happy home?

Is your house a happy home?

Do you feel you are going round and round in circles? Are you stuck in your career, you don’t know which way to go? Do you have the same old arguments with your partner? Or a difficult relationship with your family keeps you awake. Maybe you feel held back...

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How your family can still affect you

How your family can still affect you

Many of us have struggles that seem impossible to resolve, no matter what we have tried. Or they seem difficult to define, but very real and impact us deeply. If this is the case for you, it could be that you still carry and live the unresolved issues of...

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What happens during a constellation?

What happens during a constellation?

When you come for a one-to-one constellation session we will go further into the issue you want to explore. When you are clear about this I will suggest the components that will be placed, using either felt squares or pieces of paper as representatives....

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Bonding and Belonging

Bonding and Belonging

Orders in family constellations I often hear people say: “I like family constellations but I’m not sure about the orders as I don’t like hierarchy”. The orders, or orders of love as Bert Hellinger, the originator of family constellations calls them, have...

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Systemic Constellations in the field of addictions

Systemic Constellations in the field of addictions

In at the deep end Late last year I did four group sessions using systemic constellations in the field of addictions. The setting was a drug and alcohol services organisation. It has been a great experience. The group of people I worked with were not...

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